Meet the team

David A. Caputo

David A. Caputo received his BA from Miami University and his graduate degrees from Yale University. He has been involved with congressional and presidential elections since 1970 including teaching various election courses, serving as a consultant to various election reporting organizations and as an on-air commentator for ABC Radio, CNN and Fox News. He also has worked closely with C-SPAN as it developed its extensive video archives. He currently is President Emeritus and Professor of Political Science at Pace University in New York City where he is teaching a Congressional Elections Course. He has published numerous books and scholarly articles

Enxhi Brahja

Enxhi Brahja is a sophomore at Pace University. She is currently studying Political Science/Economics and is planning on attending Law School upon graduation. Enxhi was selected to do undergraduate research with Dr. Caputo this academic year. She is an avid Wall Street Journal reader and enjoys traveling around the world. She has been involved in both the Federal Reserve Challenge and the Up to Us Competition. 

Tobias Laforest

Tobias Laforest is a senior at Pace University. He majors in Business Economics with a minor in Digital Art. Tobias has become increasingly involved at his school, leading the Economics Society and the Up to Us campaign. Most recently he has been brought on by the Student Government Association and the Roteract club to manage their marketing teams. Upon graduation Tobias hopes to work in the NYC startup scene developing real solutions for tomorrow. He was brought onto the project to manage the website and develop innovative tools to promote the MOOC.